[X Newbies] listmaker software

David Flory daflory at pacbell.net
Wed Nov 19 22:37:46 PST 2003

On Nov 19, 2003, at 9:34 PM, BrianWest2 at aol.com wrote:
> I work in both the pc and mac environments. The pc has software like
> "listmaker" and "HTML directory" which allows you to make lists of 
> items in a
> particular folder or drive. Is there such software/freeware/shareware 
> for the mac/ Can

In addition to all the other functions that it does excellently well, 
BBEdit by Bare Bones Software will make you list of pretty much 
anything that you drop into it's window. I just did a listing of 
everything on my whole HD by dropping the HD icon onto it's window.

Fair winds and happy bytes, Dave Flory
Check out the marine mammals, dog & Bengal cats @ 

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