G5 Dual 1.8GHz

Stephen Foster foster at pop.ca.inter.net
Mon Nov 24 03:21:33 PST 2003

>W Lane <wilann at telusplanet.net> Sun, 23 Nov 2003 05:45:29 -0700 responded:
>On Nov 23, 2003, at 5:38 AM, Stephen Foster wrote:
>>  Just after I ordered a G5 1.8 out comes the Dual 1.8. I thought this
>>  meant two processors each at that speed
>It does.
>>   but it appears to mean two processors totalling that speed (i.e. two
>>  900GHz processors)
>It does not.

That fits with what I originally thought. It was a review of the new 
machine by a Mac-related newsletter (I can't remember which one 
except it is a weekly review of what's happening with Macs). It 
didn't make sense to me but I assumed they knew more than I did.
The good news is that immediately upon the announcement of the Dual 
1.8, and its pricing, my local reseller cancelled my original order 
and ordered the dual version. Great service.
"A man cannot step into the same river twice; for neither is it the 
same river nor is it the same man." Heraclitus c. 540- c. 480 BCE

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