Mounting scsi devices with a Unix command

Cyril Blanc blanc.cyril at
Sat Oct 4 00:05:15 PDT 2003


Can you help me with a Unix command.

When I boot with my DVD-RAM power on I have in the log window the message :

Sep 20 05:27:27 Cyril-Blancs-Computer /sbin/autodiskmount[340]: disk7s9
hfs      no    no    Final Cut Pro 4.0.1 /Volumes/Final Cut Pro 4.0.1

99 % of the time my DVD-RAM is Power OFF.

After powering on my DVD-RAM I would like to be able to use my SCSI DVD-RAM
without having to reboot.

I have tried to issue this command :

sudo /sbin/autodiskmount -a -v ­d

It does not mount the DVD-RAM

Do you have a solution ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
Cyril Blanc

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