Trouble Wth trying to Update OS8.1

TDavis8810 at TDavis8810 at
Wed Sep 24 13:25:49 PDT 2003

Would someone please help me… Being 82 Yr's old and a little slow on the 
uptake in my mind… No excuse just getting old .... I' am sure that there is some 
young MAC genius out there who will have the answer… I have a Pwr.Mac-6500 -300 
Mhz processor and 6GB HD. And full complement of installed Ram.  I' am using 
OS 8.1 and want to upgrade to OS 8.6 ___ I have OS 8.5 but no update from OS 
8.1 to OS 8.5 .... It seems to me that I can only update by installing OS 8.5 
from scratch and that means erasing my HD, and then having to reinstall all my 
software. I do not want to do this I'd like to just upgrade from Mac 8.1 to 
Mac 8.6 ... Pls. You very intelligent young Mac people I'd bet you have the 
answer ... I will appreciate it very much if you will enlighten me .. Thank You 
Tom Davis

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