[X Newbies] IPOD and Entourage MAC OS X

Cyril Blanc blanc.cyril at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jul 6 02:14:15 PDT 2004

On 7/6/04 10:34 AM, "Kirk McElhearn" <kirklists at wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> On 7/6/04 10:30 AM, "Cyril Blanc" <blanc.cyril at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>> How could I transfer my 367 contacts into my IPOD, I have tried "IPOD it"
>> and "Ipod MAC" and it does not work
>> I would not mind to transfer them into Mail.app too ! (this because of Tiger
>> !!!!!!!!) ;-)))))))
> Start by exporting them from Entourage into a text file, then import them
> into Address Book. You can then use iSync to sync them. Each time you want
> to update them, you'll re-export from Entourage.
> There are other ways, but I find this the most reliable.
> BTW, once you've done that, they'll be available for Mail. But there's no
> hurry; Tiger's almost a year off.
> Best,
> Kirk
Hi Kirk

Thanks for your answer.

I thought that the Ipod was only reading Vcard !

In the Address book.app they say it is only compatible with Vcard ;-)
In the Ipod manual they say that you must move the Vcard to contact folder

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
Cyril Blanc

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