Thanks Alex, I find "Help" less than helpful usually. But I didn't know KnowledgeBase was so easy to reach in Sherlock. There is a lot to learn in OS X. And I do have to say that these machines, although much more powerful, also require a higher skill level. That will ultimately hurt Apple. IMHO. They should be as easy to run as a tv. BTW, I did do searches for cron last night and Help was a big fat Zero. Pogue's book helps some. I just wish he had mentioned Sleep. Your suggestion of KB 107388 really did help, though. It was especially nice of Apple to include third party apps. Carter On Mar 3, 2004, at 1:33 PM, Alex wrote: > No. And, yes, it's been discussed repeatedly (search the list archive > for other posts). And you'll find details in Apple KB article ID > 107388.