> From: Jim Jarvis <jamesjarvis at earthlink.net> > > I'm about to launch into the world of OS X. Is there a way to update my > version of Appleworks (Version 6) to OS X or do I have to buy a new > copy. No need to buy anything. Your Appleworks will work in OS X, though you may need to download and run an updater (I believe the current version is 6.2.7) first. _Chas_ Have you noticed that this administration's harshest critics are ... veteran conservatives? LINDSEY GRAHAM, GEORGE WILL, REP. STEPHEN R. BUYER, FAREED ZACHARIA, GEN. WESLEY CLARK, Richard Clarke, Paul O'Neil, John McCain, Scott Ritter, Pat Buchanan, John Dean, John O'Neill, David Kay, Bob Woodward ... and the list goes on ...