[X-Newbies] Terminal problem WAS: Opener Malware

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Thu Nov 11 07:03:54 PST 2004

On 11/11/04 3:53 PM, "Mark Des Cotes" <mark at astroprinting.com> wrote:

> After reading some posts about Opener Malware I decided to start up
> Terminal to check to see if I had it. Upon opening all I get is a very
> small window just big enough for the red "close window" button to
> appear. No matter what I try I can't get anything other than that tiny
> window. Anyone have any ideas what I can do?

Select Terminal > Window Settings > Window, and change the size of the
window (expressed in columns and rows).

                  Forthcoming book: iPod & iTunes Garage
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