[X-Newbies] Application Failures in OS 10.3.8

Carlie Van Winkle coalcreekcarlie at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 18 16:04:27 PDT 2005

> Congratulations. You accomplished the equivalent of
> a
> heart-lung-brain transplant on your computer, and it
> still lives. But barely.

Thanks. I'm kind of attached to it and can't bury it
so soon.

> BTW, what processor upgrade was it? Vendor?
> And which G3?

I have an OWC G4 ZIF Processor. My G3 was one of the
first, 1998 or so. That charming putty grey color.
Cute green "on" dot. A few months after I got mine,
they came out with the cool B&W. 

> Did you install classic
> or OS9
> on your "new Mac"?

I have installed new OS's on my machine to try and
keep current (8.6, 9.2.x, 10.x). I know I've not done
the best job at staying current, but I'm giving it
some effort. ExPostFacto is installed on my machine to
help run classic (I guess?).

> In the Startup Disk preference panel, which OS has
> been selected as the startup disk? 



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