[X-Newbies] file sharing between a QS 933 on Tiger and a 7300 on OS 9.1

david_elmo david_elmo at optusnet.com.au
Wed Dec 21 21:44:40 PST 2005

I am miffed by the complexities of trying to file share between a  
7300 on 9.1 and a QS on Tiger. There seems so many variables! The  
help files and what actually happens seem not dovetail.

What about the simplest possible thing? I have a red cross over  
ethernet cable (which I once by some miracle - it must have been -  
used to connect a couple of 7300s just to transfer files from one to  
the other, have forgotten all details) connected to the 2 machines.  
And i don't care anything about security or passwords or anything.  
What is the least i should do?

Can someone at least give me the first 3 or 4 steps and when i have  
done them, i will come back. It is too much to ask anyone to go  
through everything!

David Elmo

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