[X-Newbies] Re: Utilities and such in OS X.

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Tue Mar 22 22:08:39 PST 2005

> From: Ross Langmead <rlangmead at whitley.unimelb.edu.au>

> On 22-3-05 2:13 AM, Charles Martin <chasm at mac.com> wrote:
>> I should mention something about virus checkers like Virex. I run it
>> only because I got it free from my .Mac account and found out how to
>> make it almost completely unobtrusive.
> How do you make it unobtrusive?

Two things:

1. In System Preferences, go into Accounts (this applies to Panther, 
Jag is slightly different) and click on the "startup items" tab in your 
account. "Hide" the VirexLogin by checking the box next to its name.

2. Open the Virex application (which is in, and should not be moved 
from, your Applications folder). Go to "preferences" and have only the 
top and bottom item checked ("Automatically check for virus definition 
updates" and "Active virus protection"). Click on "more options" and 
uncheck EVERYTHING in that section. There's a pop-up button in that 
section that has four options: Active Scanner (no options checked), 
Background Scanner (doesn't matter since background scanning has been 
turned off), Mounted Scanner (no options checked), On Demand Scanner 
(check the first two, and the last option).

Be aware that this significantly reduces Virex's ability to find 
viruses to just when you actively run the program (which I do about 
once a month, right about whenever the updated definitions come in), 
but since there aren't any OS X viruses at this time I consider this 
appropriate. YMMV, but it makes the program both present & working ... 
and nearly invisible unless an update comes along.

I run the program once a month to clean and "eUpdate" itself.


"I look at the catastrophe in Iraq, the fiscal debacle here at home, 
the extent to which loyalty trumps competence at the highest levels of 
government, the absence of a coherent vision of the future for the U.S. 
and the world, and I wonder, with a sense of deep sadness, where the 
adults have gone." -- Bob Herbert, NY Times, 19-Nov-2004

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