[X-Newbies] Re: G4 to G5

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Sat May 14 10:21:05 PDT 2005

> From: verduron <verduron at comcast.net>
> When the new G5 arrives it will be roaring with Tiger. I would like to
> transfer my basic preferences from the G4 to the G5.
> Any problem with that? My mail database?

When your new Mac arrives, as part of the initial setup process it  
will ask you if there is any information from your previous Mac you'd  
like to transfer. Link the two machines by Firewire, specify what  
you'd like to have transferred, and it will all be handled  

> When I bought my G4 it came with some free memory BUT caused me months
> of grief. I will buy my very own memory, I checked prices and it is  
> all
> over the place. Any recommendations?

I've never had a problem with 1-800-4-MEMORY (aka Coast to Coast).  
Over the last five years they've sent me ONE incorrect module, which  
I returned/exchanged with no fuss.


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