[X-Newbies] <Adios!t>

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Sat May 21 10:41:01 PDT 2005

On May 21, 2005, at 12:02 PM, Jane wrote:

> On May 21, 2005, at 10:26 AM, Al Poulin wrote:
>> Sue could have taken a different choice:  to not open every thread  
>> item.
> Perhaps what is needed to end this thread is a definitive rule for  
> posting top or bottom on this particular list, since it would seem  
> that it is a preference and not a preordained rule.

That's pretty impractical (who's going to moderate to make sure it  
happens, do newbies have to post the "right" way to get help, etc.) -  
but all practical issues aside, it really does not end the thread.  
The ability to force the postings on one list to be one way or the  
other doesn't make that way the "right" way. The thread will end when  
both sides have covered the basic points, which I think is just about  


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