[X-Newbies] Virtual Desktops and multiple clips.

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Wed Nov 2 09:20:26 PST 2005

On Nov 2, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Mike wrote:

> Take a look at YouControl Desktops:
> http://www.yousoftware.com/desktops/

They say things like:
"Create a desktop for your email. Create another for your image  
editing and organization. Create yet another for web-browsing."

for the average user, I would say that this is just a bad idea. The  
finder has really great ways of managing multiple windows and apps at  
the same time. Effective use of folders, smart folders, and Spotlight  
gives you a lot of ways to manage your documents, apps, and active  
windows in an integrated way. Creating multiple desktops  
disintegrates your work environment. In some cases, that dis- 
integration is helpful, but for the average user, I would expect that  
you would have a better user experience in the long run by picking up  
one of the Tiger user's books and really learning about all the  
features in Tiger.


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