[X-Newbies] Two Mail Threads Buried in One

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Fri Oct 14 18:44:38 PDT 2005

On Oct 14, 2005, at 6:31 PM, Al Poulin wrote:

> In Mail, with the View>Collapse All Threads selected, I frequently  
> cannot find a specific thread listed that I know exists in my Inbox  
> or a subject folder.  When I go to View>Expand All Threads, I find  
> the thread items mixed into another thread.
> This happens in particular with e-lists that I receive in feed  
> mode, such as this X-NEWBIES list.
> Why?  Can I fix this?

Only by fixing the population of the list. Mail uses the "In-Reply- 
To" header to sort threads. Some people start a new thread by  
clicking "Reply", then changing the Subject and deleting the quoted  
text. This results in seemingly unrelated threads being grouped  
together. If people would start new threads by creating a new message  
and directing it to the list, this would not be a problem.

Scott Buntin

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