X-Noob Listas Gurus All G'day to All A query, on X.2.8 in Safari it seems there is no builtin way of importing my ol' Bookmarks and the Help suggested way(convoluted) doesn't seem to work for me either, even with an Exported Safari Bookmarks saved file from X.3.9, and even tho all my other browsers(ie; Camino, Opera, Netscape, FireFox, with no IE or Entourage/MS found or installed here) have all imported them all of them very user-friendly well. And I may add that using URLManager Pro is the best all'round way to go, but the coins for that goodie haven't popped up yet. Also, would anyone be aware of a reason for Safari in X.2.8 to be unhappy enough to stop working following an install of either; Palm Desktop, Palm Conduet, Safari de-Bugger, or the Safari MailScripts v 1.3.7? fyi- I've since, removed all those located in Login items, and de-installed the de-Bugger Enabler and trashed the MailScripts and apple.safari.plist, restarted and now Safari boots well. but I'm afraid to re-install or re- enable any of the above addon questionable items for a fear that Safari will become unhappy enough to stop booting altogether once again. While I'm here, it may be prudent to ask what is/are the usual way to import all my mail from X.3.9's Mail to X.2.8's Mail by using a Zip drive(not many mails do 'member I'm an X-noob), and which files are the needed one's to move?, most likely found in my User Folder(I guess)?, and are the locations the same in both of my used X Systems(on different LEM Macs)? Other questions for you X Gurus(tho not too far OT ;=)), so Please indulge me) are on OS9.2.2 and it's own needed files for a better use with OSX and Classic GUI, and all somehow tied in specifically with using OS9's SoftWare Update application to recieve the needed update files, what are the names of the files?, and is it absolutely necessary to use SWU to get them?, and have them installed thru that process?, or is it possible to download and install them myself?, any workarounds(as I've not yet started Classic from within X nor ventured out on the Net while booted in OS9(altho I boot off-line and do use alot of apps there) since installing X, hence the questions. Any help, advise, ideas or suggestions, will be much appreciated. TIA Respectful of GURUs Bill Cornett cornettATgolDOTcom /