[X-Newbies] Moving Netscape mail files via Firewire

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Tue Oct 25 12:48:33 PDT 2005

On Oct 25, 2005, at 12:51 PM, J wrote:

> Linda I believe you must EXPORT the mail files first, then you will  
> reIMPORT that file into the new mail program.
> See the help files for the way to handle this between the two  
> OSes..as I'm not sure it can be done...

I'm not sure you have to export first, so long as the remote files  
are mounted via firewire. Here's an example from an older version of  
Mail - some googling should turn up more:


> He didn't give me much in the way of instructions, but said  
> something about bringing up the new system, holding down the "t"  
> key, and that my hard drive from the old computer would appear on  
> the desktop of the new one.

You want to boot the *old* system with the "T" key held down - you  
should get just a firewire icon bouncing around the screen - then  
connect it to the new computer, as if it were a firewire disk drive.  
It will mount on the desktop, and you can navigate to your files.  
When you're done, eject it just like any other external disk.


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