[X-Newbies] Word not working

Tony Johansen tjoh7019 at bigpond.net.au
Tue Oct 25 16:15:33 PDT 2005

On 26/10/2005 5:38 AM, "Al Poulin" <alpoulin at cox.net> wrote:

> I know nothing about Word also, but I can offer a few ideas along a
> strategy to attempting repair.
> Possibly your wife's data file(s) is(are) corrupted.  If so, you may
> possibly sniff it(them) out by creating a new user account.  Then
> selectively duplicate/copy and drag Word documents from the original
> Documents Folder to the new Documents folder, beginning with a few of
> the oldest files.  If those files open, Word should continue to operate
> in the new account just as it does in your own user account.  Identify
> the latest dated files and test those.  The culprit should reveal
> itself and lock up Word again, or if you get lucky, your wife's
> documents will all be fine.
> However, if Word software preferences or some other element in your
> wife's account is corrupted, trashing those preferences should solve
> the problem.  I cannot go into precise details for this, others could I
> hope.  But I would start by looking down the path   wife's home
> account>Library>Preferences.  In other words in Finder, in column view,
> click her little house, click Library, click Preferences.  There, look
> for something that looks uniquely associated with Microsoft Word and
> trash that.  While in the Library, I would rummage around a few other
> places such as Cache and Application Support and just note anything
> that is associated with Word.  But I would not mess with any of that
> without expert advice.
> Re-reading the above, I think I would tackle the preference business
> before playing with a new user account.
> Beyond all this, I would just do general maintenance in the following
> order.
> Run Repair Disk Permissions from Disk Utility that is on the hard drive.
> Run First Aid from Disk Utility that is on your OS X installer CD.
> Click on Repair Disk.
> Run DiskWarrior.
> Run TechTool Pro.
> Reinstall Word.  Jump to this if you do not have access to DiskWarrior
> or TechTool Pro.
> Good Luck,
> Al Poulin

Thank you Al and Vincent, I'll get to this Thursday or Friday when my
schedule allows, and report back either success or failure as the case may
be, but there seems enough logic here to sort out her blues. I appreciate
it, more importantly Paula will likely demote me from walking on water
status to mere mortal and award that recognition to you guys :-)

A Life Of Art

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