[X-Newbies] At wits end about CDMA-Internet connection

Aldo deetya at cbn.net.id
Fri Aug 18 22:40:15 PDT 2006

Dear all,

Sorry to bother you once more. I'm at wits end here. I'm trying to 
connect to the Internet using a CDMA phone as a modem. I have a Mac Mini 
1.42GHz PowerPC, Sys10.4.1, a Nokia 6585, a CA-42 data cable, and a CDMA 
subscription (to StarOne, a local cellphone company)

I followed instructions I found on the Net (John Chang's "How to use 
your CDMA Cell Phone as a USB Modem on Mac OS X" and Edgadget's "How To: 
Use your CDMA cellphone as a USB modem") My Mac Mini found the phone, 
I've put in the dialing number, the username, the password, etc.

No dice.

I tried using different modem drivers from Ross Bark's site. I tried a 
new CA-42 data cable. I even tried erasing my HD & reinstalling my 
system. All to no avail.

What next? Maybe the phone is at fault? Is there a way to upgrade the 

Any ideas?


Thanks in advance

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