[X-Newbies] Broadband and Macintosh

Keith MILLS 4.oiseaux at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jan 14 04:09:44 PST 2006

On 13 janv. 06, at 15:54, David Flory wrote:

> On Jan 13, 2006, at 3:57 AM, Keith MILLS wrote:
>> Thank you so much. And such a simple solution. Hours on the phone 
>> with my provider achieved nothing/30 seconds with your advice and hey 
>> presto!
>> Thanks again.
>> Keith
>> On 13 janv. 06, at 10:59, J wrote:
>>> Check the 'proxies' settings in the Safari prefs?
>>> On Jan 13, 2006, at 3:50 AM, Keith MILLS wrote:
>>>> I am bewildered and wonder if anybody has any ideas.
> Keith, I'm interested in what the settings were that gave you the 
> problem and what made things work, in case I see that error problem 
> again somewhere. Just goes to show that my experience is typical, i.e. 
> tech support usually doesn't know it's posterior alimentary 
> termination from a hole in the ground. When you find someone who 
> understands macs you have experienced a minor miracle.

When it comes to technical things, I'm nought but an innocent abroad! 
So .... I presumed that I could simply follow Wanadoo's formula and get 
connected. The advice I received from X-Newbies was so simple (but 
beyond me!).

As advised, I went into System Preferences and then into Proxies. 
Assist me took me into Network Setup Assistant; and even I could follow 
the steps from there!

But may I now reveal another little problem?

When I have not used the computer for several hours, I lose the 
connection; no internet/no mail. If I then have a look at the 
configurations, Ethernet Adaptor (en1) which is normally active has 
disappeared from the setup! It shows internal modem instead - which 
does not work. I can get back on with the return of Ethernet Adaptor by 
restarting the computer. But surely that should not be necessary. Am I 
missing something more?


> --
> Speak softly, study Aikido, & you won't need to carry a big stick!
> See my photos @ <http://homepage.mac.com/dflory>
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