[X-Newbies] Printing problems with my HP

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Wed Jan 18 11:40:04 PST 2006

On Jan 18, 2006, at 6:35 AM, Al Poulin wrote:

> On Jan 18, 2006, at 12:22 AM, Gen Hadlow Mac Impact Dbn wrote:
>> On 17/1/2006 9:48 PM, "Al Poulin" <alpoulin at cox.net> wrote:
>>> On Jan 17, 2006, at 1:58 AM, Gen Hadlow Mac Impact Dbn wrote:
>>>> Hi All
>>>> I have an HP 1320 laser printer that I use with my iBook on 10.4.4.
>>>> I started a print but at the last minute then decided to cancel my
>>>> print
>>>> because I had left off some vital info.
>>>> After that I just cant print any more.
>>> Thinking back to pre-OS X days, I would turn off the printer.  Shut
>>> down the iBook.  Turn on the printer.  Start up the iBook.
>> Tried that first. Did not work.
>> I did not mention that I was connecting via a usb cable as I had  
>> lent out my
>> Ethernet hub...
>> Got my hub back and the problem has gone! but if I try to connect  
>> via the
>> USB connection, I have the same problem! Used my pals iBook and that
>> connected perfectly with the USB. Its definitely a problem with  
>> some sort of
>> system pref that I don’t know how to track down...
>> My USB ports are fine, used a mouse to test both of them...
> A couple more thoughts.
> Look for printer preferences in your Home>Library>Preferences,  
> things ending in .plist, and trash them.
> If you have an extra user account, try it there.  Or establish a  
> new user account for testing.  If the problem does not happen  
> there, look for differences in your Library.
> I hope some real expert butts in here.

Well, ok.
In my experience, OS X treats a printer connected via ethernet (or an  
ethernet hub) as a separate printer from one connected via USB. I've  
had to "add new printer" when switching to USB. I then have two  
printers - both are the same physical printer, but different logical  
printer queues.

Scott Buntin

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