[X-Newbies] Printing problems with my HP

Gen Hadlow Mac Impact Dbn ghadlow at iafrica.com
Wed Jan 18 22:25:42 PST 2006

On 18/1/2006 4:35 PM, "Al Poulin" <alpoulin at cox.net> wrote:

> A couple more thoughts.
> Look for printer preferences in your Home>Library>Preferences, things
> ending in .plist, and trash them.
> If you have an extra user account, try it there.  Or establish a new
> user account for testing.  If the problem does not happen there, look
> for differences in your Library.
> I hope some real expert butts in here.
> Good Luck,
Have thrown away the .plist printer files from the user library and that
still did not work. Tried with a test user and that was also faulty.
Its definitely a system pref thing but I just cant seem to find the faulty

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