Hi all, I recently downloaded a couple of free web templates. In fact these appear to be like mini content management systems using (probably) php and something called OpenBase. Now I run my machine as 'user' with no admin privileges. However OpenBase managed to install itself in the main applications folder (not user apps) with no permission either sought or given. This was simply by clicking on the 'template'. Whether or not OpenBase is OK, the fact is that an app was able to install without permission. Terminal did not open so AFAICT, it was not done via a terminal script. To add insult, when I tried to remove it from the admin account it even asked for permission to be moved, since it was owned by 'system'. I know "downloader beware" and all that, but I thought nothing could be installed in applications from a user account without admin permission? Any ideas why it should be able to do this? Is it a trojan? Possible, but OpenBase do have a web site, so an app of that name does exist. I should add that Little Snitch has not reported any attempts to phone home or anything of that sort, and all parts of the app have AFAIK now been removed. cheers, Chris