[X-Newbies] Photoshop disappears

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Thu Jul 27 01:29:50 PDT 2006

That's why you grab the com.apple.mail.plist file, and the Mail  
folder, *before* you launch Mail on the newly wiped machine. The  
plist has the account setups already, so you don't have to go back in  
and try to set them up again.

The rules and signatures are saved in the Mail folder, along with the  

I've used this method for years, though more often when transferring  
to a new machine than when wiping/restoring, but it works either way.

So far: iBook G3 ->Ti 400mhz ->Ti 867 ->17" PB ->the old iBook ->17"  
PB  (new HD installed)->MacBook.


On Jul 27, 2006, at 12:29 AM, J wrote:

> I've done that but wonder, if the accounts are not set up in the  
> exact same way, will the mail still show up? I mean for example  
> things that are variable like what you call the mail account?
> On Jul 26, 2006, at 5:48 PM, Scott wrote:
>> On Jul 26, 2006, at 9:13 AM, J wrote:
>>> The mail files are a problem....hard to reitroduce them after a  
>>> full wipe/clean install.
>> If using Mail.app, here's how:
>> 1. Before wiping and reinstalling, backup these two items:
>> ("~" means your home folder.)
>> ~/Library/Mail
>> ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist
>> 2. After reinstalling, and before launching Mail, restore those  
>> two items to the identical locations.
>> -

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