[X-Newbies] Photoshop disappears

J themacintoshlady at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 27 08:47:43 PDT 2006

Thanks Scott. Even just that plist would be helpful.
I can copy out the information on the emails I've saved, which I  
should have done before anyway.

On Jul 27, 2006, at 4:29 AM, Scott wrote:

> That's why you grab the com.apple.mail.plist file, and the Mail  
> folder, *before* you launch Mail on the newly wiped machine. The  
> plist has the account setups already, so you don't have to go back  
> in and try to set them up again.
> The rules and signatures are saved in the Mail folder, along with  
> the mailboxes.
> I've used this method for years, though more often when  
> transferring to a new machine than when wiping/restoring, but it  
> works either way.
> So far: iBook G3 ->Ti 400mhz ->Ti 867 ->17" PB ->the old iBook - 
> >17" PB  (new HD installed)->MacBook.
> -- 
> Scott
> On Jul 27, 2006, at 12:29 AM, J wrote:
>> I've done that but wonder, if the accounts are not set up in the  
>> exact same way, will the mail still show up? I mean for example  
>> things that are variable like what you call the mail account?
>> On Jul 26, 2006, at 5:48 PM, Scott wrote:
>>> On Jul 26, 2006, at 9:13 AM, J wrote:
>>>> The mail files are a problem....hard to reitroduce them after a  
>>>> full wipe/clean install.
>>> If using Mail.app, here's how:
>>> 1. Before wiping and reinstalling, backup these two items:
>>> ("~" means your home folder.)
>>> ~/Library/Mail
>>> ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist
>>> 2. After reinstalling, and before launching Mail, restore those  
>>> two items to the identical locations.
>>> -
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