[X-Newbies] Retrieving data from PowerBook 1400.

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Tue May 30 16:06:58 PDT 2006

On May 30, 2006, at 11:36 AM, Brian Durant wrote:

> Can you use those in target mode? I thought it was only some Firewire
> drives where that worked.

According to the Apple Knowledge Base article I read target disk mode  
only works for internal master ATA (and not ATAPI) drives. The  
external USB drive I had attached to my PowerBook did not show up on  
the other machine. However, my DVD/CD-RW did work with an OS X  
install DVD, but not a music CD. Now that I think about I have used  
the DVD drive in my PowerBook to install OS X on a machine that did  
not have a DVD drive.

"The United States is putting together a Constitution now for Iraq.  
Why don't we just give them ours? It's served us well for 200 years,  
and we don't appear to be using it anymore, so what the hell?"
--Jay Leno

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