[X-Newbies] Re: Your message to X-Newbies awaits moderator approval

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Tue Nov 21 07:31:10 PST 2006

On Nov 21, 2006, at 9:04 AM, Robert Ameeti wrote:

> At 1:54 PM +0100, 11/21/06, Brian Durant wrote:
>> On 11/20/06, Robert Ameeti <robert at ameeti.net> wrote:
>>> Listees need to learn to things to be responsible: plain text and
>>> trimming. Both of these items were not being done by this listee. A
>>> delay is sometimes the only way to get people to wake up and be
>>> responsible. Certainly didn't cause anyone to lose any data.
>> Using html is not irresponsible,
> On this we then disagree. In my opinion as a list server owner, I  
> do find HTML to be unacceptable.

When a list is run as an expression of the moderator's notion of what  
everyone else should do, then you usually get a dead list (like this  
one). If the list were run to serve the members, you wouldn't get  
arguments like: "A list server owner has to set some limit somewhere  
and those that choose to use HTML may find that whatever limit is set  
is 'arbitrary'. " What does that have to do with new X users who want  
to get help? For the moderator who's lost sight of the list members,  
it doesn't matter - the administrivia becomes an end in itself.


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