[X-Newbies] Keyboard fault?

J themacintoshlady at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 1 07:28:57 PDT 2006

I have noticed that in a lot of applications, the key combos listed  
in the menus are wrong.

On Sep 1, 2006, at 3:25 AM, Kevin Riley wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a little confused as to wether this is a fault or not…when  
> using the apple keys, the ones either side of my keboard on my  
> macbook pro, sometimes only the left hand side one has the desired  
> effect. For instance, to open a new tab in Safari, press the right  
> apple key + T and I get an error bong…same thing with the left  
> apple key results in a new tab!?
> I have attempted to test the keyboard with the keyboard viewer  
> basically lights up both apple keys at the same time when I press  
> either one…
> Is this a fault or merely a "quirk" of OSX?
> Kevin Riley
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