[X-Newbies] Receiving email

W Lane wilann at telusplanet.net
Sat Apr 7 11:57:47 PDT 2007

On 07-Apr-7, at 11:04: 11, Tom Garrou wrote:

> I have a friend with an early version of iMac, running the current  
> version of OS X and using Mail as her email application.  She is  
> able to send email but not receive it.  As far as I can determine  
> her entries in her email account are accurate.  Her internet  
> provider says it is a Mac problem and have not been able to help  
> her solve her problem.
> I am at a loss on how to go about solving this problem and would  
> appreciate any suggestions anyone on this list could provide.

What message does this person receive when Mail fails?
Has she tried retrieving her email via her ISP's webmail interface?  
(Once in a very long while an email will seem to get 'stuck' after  
which every subsequent message remains on the server, inaccessible to  
any email application)
Has she got her email account redirecting things to somewhere else?  
(I had a friend go through this. He could NOT get his email. He sent  
himself multitudes of test messages, none ever arrived. Then, one  
day, he got a message from budweiser.com >> 'your email account is  
over limit'.  'oh', he said.... 'now I remember, I was messing around  
and forwarded my main account to my Budweiser account')

William Lane
Calgary, Canada
via Mac OSX - Mail

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