[X-Newbies] The Aplication folder...

W Lane wilann at telusplanet.net
Tue Jun 5 04:24:54 PDT 2007

On 07-Jun-2, at 09:41: 18, Richard Ramsowr wrote:

> In my "Finder Folder" the first folder listed is
> "Applications".
> This is where I mount all of my application "icons".

Right, Applications in the Applications folder

> On the left hand column

The Sidebar, I assume you are referring to

> I have "icons for "My
> computer", "My Home", "My Desktop", "Applications" &
> Music...
> In this second "Icon" / application folder,

It's not a 'second Icon', it is an alias linking back to the 'real'  
Applications folder

>   I store
> all of my related application items by software title
> i.e. all that stuff that shows up when your loading a
> application.

Not sure what you mean

> Question: Is this a good "best" practice or simply
> redundant and the act of a "control freak" such as
> myself?

Whether you put an item into the 'real' folder or into the 'Sidebar  
folder of the same name', the item ends up the same place.

William Lane
Calgary, Canada
via Mac OSX - Mail

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