[X-Newbies] Joystick recommendation

Dana J. Laude kc9aae at bresnan.net
Wed Mar 7 18:44:05 PST 2007

On Mar 7, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Rob Griffiths wrote:

> I use a Saitek Cyborg Evo:
> <http://www.saitekusa.com/USA/prod/cyborg_evo.htm>
> It includes a twistable handle for the rudder, hat switch, and  
> something like 12 buttons. Everything was programmable in X-Plane,  
> and it works very well. I didn't want to spring for the full rudder  
> pedal set, and this cost a lot less (and takes up much less room).  
> Not bad for $30 (maybe less via Amazon, etc.).
> I've used it on a Dual G5 and a new Mac Pro, and it's fine on both  
> machines, so ignore the "Windows XP/XP64" system requirements.

Thanks Rob.  I used to have a Saitek years back and it worked very  
well, I'll pick one up shortly.

Again, I appreciate everyones advise / suggestions!


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