[X-Newbies] How to block MailInfo and the like from phoning home from Mail.

Robert MacLeay robertmacleay at mac.com
Sat Mar 10 09:56:19 PST 2007

It would appear that this Helpful Feature uses HTML code to phone home.

You can disable HTML in Mail by going to Mail>Preferences>Viewing and
unchecking "Display remote images."

Search on HTML in Mail Help for details.

> On 07-Mar-10, at 07:26: 58, Brian Durant wrote::
>>> Anyone know how to block MailInfo
>>> http://619219.sigclick.mailinfo.com/web/signature.htm and similar
>>> programs from phoning home, when I am using Mail.app to receive mail?
>>> I don't want to mark the e-mails as spam because it is job related,
>>> but I would like to prevent this and similar programs from sending a
>>> receipt back to the sender.
> On 3/10/07 10:36 AM, "Brian Durant" <globetrotterdk at gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess I wasn't clear enough. I don't have MailInfo installed, but I
> receive e-mails from Windows users that have it installed. I don't
> want to mark their mail as spam, but I would like to make sure that I
> block sending receipts back to the sender.

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