[X-Newbies] Help - spinning beach ball w/one minute of Leopard install left on G5.

William Scammell bill at wscd.biz
Sat Sep 20 07:24:32 PDT 2008


Have you tried a full shut down, unplugged the power cord for a few  
minutes, and then rebooted (AKA a cold reboot)?

Try that once or twice then try your #1.



On Sep 20, 2008, at 2:42 AM, Brian Durant wrote:

> [snip]
> 1) Should I boot from the install DVD and run Disk Utility to check  
> disk is OK and permissions are fine?
> [snip]

> Cheers,
> Brian

William Scammell
bill @ wscd.biz
vox: 781-956-3548
fax: 978-594-5290

Accept risk. Accept responsibility.
Put a lawyer out of business.

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