[X-Newbies] Yes, we're back!

J themacintoshlady at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 15 13:10:24 PDT 2009

Oops forgot to trim the message -- reposting.

Thanks but could you fix the title? It doesn't make sense!

"A place to novice users Mac Os X"

I had to unsub from the lists Apple runs... because some people  on  
there did not like the websites I was making so I could not get help  
with them. Instead of answering my question, they would deride me and  
start a whole thread about how dare I ask with help for my websites  
and that I should not have posted, blah blah blah.

Then one guy started harassing me directly to my email... which got  
him bounced, but nevertheless it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Talk about live and let live? Nope.

But I have never experienced this here...

Plus I know there is a very savvy lawyer on here that ALWAYS answers  
questions. :-)

While I used to be an expert on all things on the OLD Mac OS there is  
a lot that is confusing on the new one and it's nice to have people  
direct you to the spot where you can clean things up without  
trepidation... (there are too many folders that  are the same!)

Thanks to this list I am able to create PHP driven sites and yet, run  
them right on my laptop so I can see them before uploading by turning  
on the server and the PHP here.

It's great!

Thanks again for this great service.

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