[X-Newbies] I got it... OPEN DNS

Scott Buntin scott-xlists at scotist.com
Sun Jan 24 17:36:06 PST 2010

On Jan 24, 2010, at 5:19 PM, GL wrote:

> The people at OpenDNS gave me this explanation which I feel is the correct one:
> "Comcasts DHCP switch/router in your neighborhood/area had cached information that said all listened-traffic from a specific IP was to be directed to OpenDNS DNS servers unless specified by the user. This could happen because a user who had your IP before you had setup OpenDNS, and, when you inherited the IP, inherited the settings."
> So long as my lock is set on the TCP/IP panel, it should not happen again.

Er, no. The lock prevents users on your computer from changing its settings. It does *not* prevent  your ISP from changing your (dynamic) IP address, nor does it prevent Comcast from caching DNS queries as described. I would rather they didn't do such things, but there's no reason they can't.

I'm not certain I buy that explanation, anyway. I'd expect Comcast to simply use their own DNS servers for such traffic, unless the requesting computer specifically sends its requests elsewhere.


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