[X-Servers] Backing Up

Peter C.S. Adams adamsp at cs.umb.edu
Thu Jan 26 12:23:31 PST 2006

Thus spake Bob Bergey <bob at bergey.net>, circa 1/24/2006 5:45 PM:
> Just wondering how you are backing up your Xserves ... anyone using
> SuperDuper to back up from one drive to another drive as a first
> step? Their site is http://shirt-pocket.com/.

No, I haven't tried that. I have used two methods:

1. Carbon Copy Cloner <http://www.bombich.com/software/ccc.html>

Fast and efficient, makes bootable copies, but can't do incremental backups
without installing additional software (psync).

2. The "ditto" command

A built-in command line tool that can be scheduled and which handles
resource forks correctly. However, it can't do incremental backups. Thanks a
*LOT* Apple. Smart.

Example: ditto --rsrc /Volumes/internaldrive /Volumes/externaldrive

I am looking into xtar, a version of tar that can handle resource forks,
which I'm told comes standard with 10.4, and rsync:


You may be interested in the following discussions on this topic. Lots of
good information:

MacDevCenter.com: Automated Backups with Existing Tools

Mike's Mac OS X Management Software and Tips: Guide to Backing Up Mac OS X

HOWTO Backup Your Mac With rsync <http://www.labf.org/~egon/mac_backup/>


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