[X-Unix] Postfix troubles

Mike Bigley wakinyan at mac.com
Tue Jan 27 16:05:39 PST 2004

>I recently moved to a new Mac running Panther and I'm trying to get 
>Postfix working on it. I've edited the hostconfig and postfix 
>main.cf files and postfix is running on the system. I've also opened 
>port 25 in my firewall using the system control panel. But telnet 
>localhost 25 returns "Connection refused", and I'm stuck as to where 
>else to look for the problem. Any advice?
Have you done this:
Also search afp548.com for postfix for additional good information
Mike Bigley              wakinyan at mac.com
Maineville, Ohio    http://www.redthunder.com

Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.
	-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

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