[X-Unix] Quit Terminal on exit

James Bucanek subscriber at gloaming.com
Fri Mar 12 15:23:57 PST 2004

Marley Graham wrote on Friday, March 12, 2004:

>On Mar 12, 2004, at 11:12 AM, James Bucanek wrote:
>> No, as it would be a very hazardous option (having a window option 
>> that closes *all* windows).  Note that your solution will have the 
>> same problem, so be warned.
>No, actually, my program works just fine; on exit it closes the window, 
>but leaves Terminal running.

You are making the assumption that the user is only using your, single, Terminal window.  While this might be a valid assumption for your situation, it is still hazerdous in general.

>The users generally have only one reason to run Terminal - to log onto 
>the main application on our server. I originally set up a template for 
>users by sending the ssh login command to the server. At that point, I 
>issued a Save As command to create the template file, which I then 
>modify with TextEdit for the individual users as noted, and put in the 
>user's Document folder. Then I copy the file to the Dock on the user's 
>machine. Most users will just click on that icon to launch the program, 
>and not even be aware that they are running Terminal. When they log out 
>of the main program, the window closes and, as far as they are 
>concerned, they have quit the program.
>So, an embedded command that caused Terminal to quit when the window 
>closed would, in this case, be a good thing.

A good thing for you.  A bad thing to add to Terminal for general consumption.

>> However, I've used the following trick on .command files that I have 
>> set to execute on login.  I didn't want the Terminal application left 
>> running after every login.  I wanted my script to run, and Terminal to 
>> quit.  My script looks something like this:
>>     cd ~/bin
>>     <do some setup, start a few deamons, etc.>
>>     osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to quit' &
>> Note that the '&' is important, or it causes a fatal embrace.
>Yes, I realize I could write an osascript to quit Terminal; but in the 
>scenario above, how would it know when to run? That's why I was looking 
>for a way to embed a "quit Terminal" string in the property list.

Marley Graham wrote on Friday, March 12, 2004:
>           <key>ExecutionString</key>
>           <string>ssh -l <user> <server>; exit</string>

Ah, maybe somewhere in between the 'ssh -l ...' and the 'exit'?

James Bucanek       <mailto:privatereply at gloaming.com>

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