[X-Unix] FIXED, Re: IP Aliasing + DNS gives freaky hostname.

Adrian Simmons adrinux at ntlworld.com
Thu Nov 4 08:49:09 PST 2004

Thomas Juntunen wrote:
> You aren't doing anything wrong, that's the way DNS works.
Ah. Good. And yes, that makes sense.

> some client
> software only uses the first name returned and ignores the others, which may
> be a problem.
Actually my problem was that my procmail/courier IMAP combo adds the 
hostname to the file names it creates, these file names actually had 
line breaks in them, thunderbird was showing the header but not the body 
and couldn't trash them. Had to manually go in and edit the file names

> Perhaps you should make all the subdomains aliases (CNAME records) of the
> actual domain.
IFAIK Apache needs the A records, or it will just treat them all as 
alias' to a single domain.

After a bit more googling a fairly obvious solution hit me - manually 
set the hostname.

I edited /etc/hostconfig, changing HOSTNAME=-AUTOMATIC- to 
HOSTNAME=nepenthes.dev and that seems to have done the trick.

So far nothing else seems to have broken...

adrinux (aka Adrian Simmons) <http://adrinux.perlucida.com>
e-mail <mailto:adrinux at ntlworld.com>
AOL/Yahoo IM: perlucida, Microsoft: adrian at perlucida.com

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