[X-Unix] Re: Korn shell?

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Tue Apr 12 13:56:35 PDT 2005

On Apr 12, 2005, at 10:59 AM, Michael Grant wrote:

> By now I suppose everyone has seen the Tiger announcement (4/29).

Seen it, ordered it :-)

> A "feature comparison" page here 
> <http://www.apple.com/macosx/upgrade/compare.html>
> notes that Tiger will include the Korn shell--it's not clear whether 
> as a replacement to bash or just another option.

Jaguar to Panther changed the default shell from tcsh to bash, correct? 
  I'd be surprised if they changed the default shell again.  tcsh is a 
bit of an ugly hack shell IMO whereas bash is much more widely 
compatible with a number of scripts.  That change made sense to me.

I don't know much about ksh (I'm a zsh guy myself) but I feel fairly 
confident in saying that bash will remain, as tcsh did, even if it 
isn't the default.

> Would anyone care to provide a quick rundown of the pros & cons of 
> Korn vs. bash?

That would be helpful regardless


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