Jakob Peterhänsel wrote: >That means downloading iTunes 4.9 and installing >it over 4.8 could WIPE your library, as the >installer might clean-install iTunes. So, let me get this straight. Software Update won't offer me the update, because it sees i have iTunes 4.9 installed already, AND it also must be aware that there's no receipt for anything on my system. But, you're saying that even though i trashed all receipts, that it'll wipe out the Library??? Shouldn't my last use of software update offered me my 10.4 to 10.4.1 updater, not to mention the 7.0.1 QT Pro upd, etc? That's a good one. If Apple starts keeping the Library for iTunes inside the .pkg (you know, <appname/Contents/Resources) then they'll deserve to go bust. <laughs>. Heheh, as long as Apple doesn't start using One Big The Finder to see what's what out here, in the real world, we'll be okay. People should keep their receipts if it feels safer, sure, why not? I take Apple's little notes with a grain of salt... file them under the CISC vs. RISC file <laughs>. brian s