[X-Unix] X11 issues

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Sun Jul 10 17:02:01 PDT 2005

On Jul 10, 2005, at 2:05 PM, ~flipper wrote:

> Scott wrote:
>> He was probably looking on the 10.4 DVD. The X11.pkg is an  
>> optional install. To reinstall it, run the "Optional Installers"  
>> installer on the DVD, or run the X11 package directly : /Volumes/ 
>> Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages/X11User.pkg .
> Ah hah.... I never would have looked there, but then, how exactly  
> does that relate to the relevance of 'receipts', or am i running  
> two threads together here, inadvertently?

IIRC, the original issue was installing X11. The quote I responded  to 
( Lasse Jakobsen)  included a command to install the package , but  
using the incorrect path.

  You cannot install the package from a receipt file. You can,  
however, install the X11 package from the DVD despite the presence of  
the receipt file.

The receipt file , located in /Library/Receipts, is a skeletonized  
installer package. It does not contain the files that were installed,  
but a list of the files, and their permissions. This is what is used  
to repair permissions in Disk Utility, and sometimes to verify what  
is or is not installed when running Software Update.

Scott Buntin

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