[X-Unix] How to determine which network component is failing

Charles Howse chowse at charter.net
Mon Jul 24 14:25:13 PDT 2006

On Jul 24, 2006, at 12:29 PM, Wing Wong wrote:

> On 7/24/06, Wing Wong <wingedpower at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 7/23/06, Charles Howse <chowse at charter.net> wrote:
>> > Hardware setup:
>> > ISP: Charter Communications, 2 megabit service
>> > Cable Modem: Motorola SB4200 Surfboard
>> > Router: Linksys Etherfast(r) Cable/DSL Router BEFSR41 V3 Firmware
>> > Version: 1.04.17
>> > Computers: 2 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE. 1 Mac OS X 10.4.7, 100 baseT
>> > ethernet connections on all
>> >
>> > This morning, I was offline, and just by accident decided to try  
>> and
>> > release and renew the ip address using the web interface of the  
>> router.
>> > BINGO!  Online again!
>> >
>> > Is this an indication that the router is not noticing that the  
>> lease
>> > has expired on my dhcp assigned ip address from the modem?  Or  
>> is it
>> > an indication that the modem is not renewing it's ip address?   
>> Or is
>> > it something else?
>> >
>> > Can I tell the router to release / renew the ip address from a  
>> shell
>> > script?
> Side note:
> If your Linksys router has been updated with an "opened" firmware and
> you have shell access to the box. You can issue the dhcp release/renew
> via an automated SSH session. Just install your DSA public key entry
> onto the router and script the reboot from your workstation. If you
> want, you can also script the reboot from within the router itself.

Now there's an idea!
I have indeed just upgraded the firmware on the router, from the  
linksys site.
I tried ssh'ing to the router ($ ssh, but it never  
answered.  :-(
Is there some way to get into the router that I'm not thinking about?

I hate to install lynx, just on principle, heheh., but that's not a  
bad idea.
Maybe Stroller will see something in the web page code and we can do  
it that way.

Bubba's Funny Stuff -

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