[X-Unix] OSX and Linux interactivity

Wing Wong wingedpower at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 09:25:47 PDT 2007

On 4/10/07, Mac Daddy <macdaddee at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. I run Fedora Core 6 under Parallels on my OS X box. If anyone else
> does this, does anyone have a way to Copy and Paste between the 2
> environments the same way you can between Mac and a Windows VM? This
> would be an INVALUABLE aid!!!  Actually, I suppose whether the Linux
> is a VM or not is irrelevant.  Copying and Pasting between Mac Os X
> and Fedora isn't VM-dependent.

In theory, you should be able to just paste into the VM and copy out
of the VM. From the typical command line shell/window, you might need
to right-click after selecting the text and selecting copy. Or you can
middle-button click to select. This differs from previous Linux/X11
environments where highlighting=auto-copy.

> 2.  Can anyone suggest a list like this that is Linux-oriented?
> Preferably Fedora or Red Hat.
> If not, what other forums would anyone suggest for someone new to
> Linux and coming at it from a Mac OS X background?

^_^;; There are plenty of Linux ML's, but you really need to look
around. Your best friend is going to be Google. :)

> 3. Can anyone suggest an editor that can match the great features of
> BBedit under Linux?
> Thanks,
> MD

Looking at the website for BBedit, I would have to say the closest
would be Eclipse. It is available in Fedora Core 6(FC6). It's an IDE
that is extensible via plugins and does markup/etc as BBedit does.

Good luck and enjoy!


Wing Wong
wingedpower at gmail.com

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