[X4U] Sleep and awake

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Thu Dec 23 14:44:40 PST 2004


That did it.  This evening, a neighbour came to show the new camera.  A 
few pictures where taken and then the camera was connected to the Mac 
to see these pictures.  Now the camera is gone and I restarted all is 
well.  Thanks.

Paul Moortgat

On 23 Dec 2004, at 22:43, Gretchen Hayman wrote:

> On Dec 23, 2004, at 14:14, Paul Moortgat wrote:
>> When I put my G5/2.5 to sleep, he goes to sleep after 5 seconds and 
>> the immediately awakes.  He will no longer go to sleep.  What can I 
>> do to repair it?
> Do you have any non-Apple peripherals connected to this computer?  I 
> have a particular Logitech scroll-wheel mouse that causes this to 
> happen on my DPG4/1G.  Unplugging the mouse makes this behavior stop. 
> [My primary Logitech trackball does _not_ cause this to happen, which 
> is just weird.]
> Anyway, I'd check for some peripheral that might be causing.  That's 
> my first thought.
> Gretchen

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