[X4U] thread organization

Andrew Swanson swansoac at uwec.edu
Tue Oct 5 13:19:51 PDT 2004

On Oct 5, 2004, at 8:01 AM, Mary C.Youra wrote:
> I learned the same something. But, what about those of us on digest? 
> I'm using Mail.app. My method has been (as for this one) highlight a 
> portion, hit reply, and change the subject line from Re: X4U Digest, 
> Vol 2, Issue 4 to Re: [X4U] thread organization. So now I know that 
> won't help keep the threading intact (I apologize that this email 
> screws it up). Is there a way that will?

That's interesting. On my computer, Apple's Mail threaded Mary's 
message right in with the rest of the "[X4U] thread organization" 

Could it be that Mail also checks for the exact same subject?


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