[X4U] Re: Un-erase?

PoolMouse poolmouse_nyc at mac.com
Thu Apr 7 20:11:29 PDT 2005

Timothy Luoma <lists at tntluoma.com> wrote:

>On Apr 7, 2005, at 1:09 AM, PoolMouse wrote:
>>  Timothy Luoma <lists at tntluoma.com> wrote:
>>>  On Apr 3, 2005, at 10:41 PM, PoolMouse wrote:
>>>   > restore from backup.
>>>  wow, how helpful.
>>  give me and i'll russle up a magic wand. :) seriously though, these
>>  types of scenarios illustrate the importance of backing up.
>Anyone can look at an barn door and say "Shoulda closed that...." as
>the horse rides off down the trail.  It's being true doesn't make it
>A helpful response to illustrate the importance of backing up might
>have suggested some actual backup tools that the original poster might
>have used to avoid this in the future.

...and your recommendation is?

don (who migrated all his clients to bru)

don montalvo
donmontalvo at mac.com

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