[X4U] Re: VPC and Win2K

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Sun Apr 17 15:50:47 PDT 2005

>On 4/17/05 4:59 PM, "Timothy J. Luoma" <lists at tntluoma.com> wrote:
>>>  I've been running(?) VPC with WinXP on my G4 800MHz. It's intolerably slow.
>>  Be sure to disable the eye candy and turn off superfluous XP services
>>  (Google for XP services tweak or something like that).
>>  What version of VPC? I assume you have installed the "extras" or whatever
>>  they're called.
>Also, according to some posts in microsoft's news groups allocating 
>too much memory can also slow it down.  They said 256MB is best, and 
>anything over 384MB will lead to slowness.

I keep trying to track down any validity of those kinds of 
recommendations and never find anything meaningful. I do think they 
might be more tale than truth. It is all about free memory. If you 
have free memory, then you are fine to allocate it. If you don't, 
things resort to virtual memory which is not good.

Robert Ameeti

Are those your eyeballs? I found them in my cleavage.

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