[X4U] Mail App Fubarred

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Wed Apr 20 03:52:00 PDT 2005


Mail  has  gone  funny  on  me  - it  has  a tendancy  to  type  double 
  spaces  and  character  input  is,,  in  general,, weird.. See  - 
double  punctuation  marks.. And  I've  lost  the  ability  to  spell  

I've  run  Preferential  treatment,,  Cache  Out  X  and rebuilt  
Mail''s preferences  - all  to  no  avail.. Quite  obviously  it''s 
something  to  do  with  my  user  account  as  another  account  on  
the  same  machine  works  fine.. As  far  as  I  can  tell,,  all  
other  apps  work  fine..


Anyone  got  any  ideas?


Simon Forster
  LDML Ltd, 62 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HZ, UK
  Tel: +44 (0)870 1999 780   Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247

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