[X4U] FTP Application Survey

Jamie Kahn Genet jamiekg at wizardling.geek.nz
Thu Apr 28 08:22:58 PDT 2005

Zane H. Healy <healyzh at aracnet.com> wrote:

> > I would like to take a quick survey to find out what your favorite FTP
> > application is such as ... Finder - Fetch - Transmit - Interarchy - Cute FTP
> > etc.
> I find the state of FTP on the Mac to be an outrage!  An FTP client is
> something you shouldn't have to pay extra money for.
>              Zane

An "outrage"? I hope you're never confronted with one of life's truly
awful problems if that's an "outrage" :-)

Anyway, if you want a free, full featured MacOS X GUI FTP/SFTP client
why not use Cyberduck <http://cyberduck.ch/>? Cyberduck is open source,
very actively maintained and 100% free. So there you go.

 Jamie Kahn Genet
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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